Andrea Goldschmidt (São Paulo, 1970) is a photographer and multimedia artist whose work is predominantly related to Brazilian Popular Festivals.
Her interest in the subject was born out of her enthusiasm for diversity, the power of the collective and the pride she feels in being Brazilian.
Granddaughter of Germans and raised within a community formed by many foreigners, Andrea understood, from a very early age, the potential for construction and aggregation that result from the natural and cultural diversity of the country where she was born.
For the artist, the Festivals are a synthesis of these powers: they are profound and beautiful events that only become possible through the strength of groups of people who work together, for common goals, producing and transmitting knowledge in the form of poetry, music, food, clothing and dance.
Before photography, Andrea worked for 15 years as a sustainability specialist, creating projects that can only exist if they are valued and carried out collectively, and teaching at universities. It already manifested its vocation to gather and transmit information to give visibility to topics that it considers relevant.
In his artistic works, he always seeks the poetry and color that come from nature and traditional practices, as well as the diversity of this country of continental dimensions. From his optimistic personality, comes the option of highlighting the simple and the beautiful and bypassing stereotyped and superficial views about Brazil.
In 2015, Andrea created , a constantly growing information portal that concentrates information, curiosities, photos and videos about the festivals. The purpose of the website is to create bridges and arouse people's interest in the topic.
In 2020, with funds from an award received from the Secretary of Culture of the State of São Paulo, he carried out the Caminhos do Divino project, an immersion in the Festa do Divino in São Luiz do Paraitinga through photographs, videos, virtual reality and augmented reality.
2022 Prêmio Rodrigo de Melo Franco (Iphan) - Webdocumentário Caminhos do Divino - menção honrosa
2019 ProAC public notice #10/2019 (SP) - Webdocumentary Caminhos do Divino
2021 "Mostra Eu mais Velha". Collective exhibition catalog - Page. 5
2021 "Breathe - Avenida Paulista 130 years". Collective exhibition catalog - Page. 9
2021 "Benzedeiras - millenary tradition of faith healing". Collective exhibition catalog - Page. 95
2020 "Cyanotype Day 2019 - Earth, Sky & Sea ". Collective exhibition catalog - Page. 14
2018 "Sustainability in the caatinga of Ceará". Plurale Magazine, issue #61, p. 54 to 59
2016 "Rites and Rituals". Exhibition catalog JFoto16 - Page 92
2016 "The incredible Brazilian cultural diversity". Magazine Plural, issue #52, p. 48 to 53
2016 "Souls in Motion". Grayscale Photography Magazine, Issue #1, pg. 12 and 13
2015 "Breathe - trees from São Paulo". Collective exhibition catalog - Page. 22
2020 Caminhos do Divino - Tips for lesson planning - BNCC - Elementary School. Ebook for Teachers
2018 Brazilian Popular Festivals. Interview with the president of Condephaat and Iphan, Antonio Augusto Arantes Neto, for the Natural Capital Program. Band News.
2017 "Brazilian Popular Festivals". Open class on ESPM radio
2021 SESC Ribeirão Preto - Brasil Vivo project - Production of 6 virtual meetings about popular Brazilian festivals Boi Bumbá, Maracatu de Baque Solto, Cavalhadas, Semana Farroupilha, Procession of Souls, Festa do Divino. Mediation of interviews with local guests and presentation of works.
2020 Caminhos do Divino Project - Production of 8 virtual meetings about the Festa do Divino in São Luiz do Paraitinga, including the presentation of works and the mediation of interviews with local guests.