The blood of Jesus changed into wine; His body into bread.
Corpus Christi is the only day of the year when Jesus, through the Eucharist, leaves the churches and goes to the streets, walking through the city with His followers.
To celebrate the fact and to brighten the way the Lord will pass, beautiful ornate rugs are mounted on the streets of the city. With care and whim, religious (and other prosaic) drawings are being made by the community from various materials such as sawdust and colored glass powder. Followers of Christ reveal themselves to be artists.
The city becomes the stage for a colorful celebration. The streets, turn into canvas.
All the figures represented on the rugs in the streets are important. Every detail of each drawing is important. All the people involved are important: more than producing street art, they are reaffirming their faith in the Holy Eucharist and in the presence of Jesus among His faithful.
At the end of the day, the procession passes following the Lord. His tacit presence generates a great popular commotion. Vibration, enthusiasm, dedication, affection, meaning for life.
And His passing changes everything: the beautiful patterns on the rugs are transformed into an incomprehensible colored mass, doubts become convictions: Jesus metamorphosed into bread and wine in order to be always with His people.