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In a rainbow, sunlight scatters and reflects many different colors. They always appear together, side by side. Each retains its individuality. All are easily recognized as different. They coexist harmoniously and that is precisely where all their charm lies.

It makes perfect sense that this is the international symbol of the LGBTQIA+ movement.

Just like the Greek goddess Iris , who performed the function of divine herald and left a multicolored trail as she crossed the skies, the approximately 2 million participants of the Parade in São Paulo leave a colorful trail on the city's streets. They bring a message of joy. An acceptance request. A desire for people's individuality to be respected and admired as well as the colors of the rainbow.

A colorful and cheerful celebration that becames public precisely because of the storm that many of these people still face on a daily basis, more than 50 years after the event that iniciated the movement.



Uma drag queen dança na avenida durante a Parada LGBTQIA+. Ela tem os cabelos pretos, bem longos e usa um arranjo de flores coloridas de papel crepom na cabeça. Ela sorri, feliz. As pessoas ao fundo estão na sombra, o que aumenta o destaque para ela


In June 1969, the New York police enter a bar called Stonewall and brutally threaten and insult its regulars: all gays and lesbians.


The so-called “routine police raids” revolt the LGBT bar patrons who decide to rebel and, for four days, form a great resistance against the police reaffirming their right to love. They march through the city streets, fight, scream...


A year later, more than ten thousand people tooke to the streets remembering the Revolt and reaffirming homosexual rights.


Twenty-eight years later, in June 1997, the city of São Paulo held its first Parade.


The Community Flags

* Click on the flag to find out which community it belongs to.



São Paulo (SP)

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